Intellectual Property Counseling and Opinions

Throughout his legal career, Henry Query has worked with companies to address their intellectual property issues. Whether counseling management on the risks associated with an intellectual property-related decision, or rendering formal opinions to help guide management in the conduct of their business, Henry has the experience necessary to provide the sound advice that management can rely on.
Experienced IP Counsel, Trustworthy Guidance for Businesses
In today's competitive environment, many of the complex issues businesses face involve some aspect of intellectual property law. As lead IP counsel for a large, multinational corporation, Henry Query worked closely with top management to help them address the intellectual property issues confronting the organization. Henry has a thorough understanding of not only the relevant intellectual property laws, but also how those laws can impact a company's business strategy. He explains, in plain terms, how the law applies to a company's particular circumstances and is likely to affect its plans. Armed with this knowledge, management is better positioned to assess the situation and make an informed decision.
Freedom-to-Operate Opinions
New product development is a costly and time consuming process. Expending valuable resources to develop a new product, only to learn that someone else has a patent covering that same technology, can be detrimental to your business. Henry Query, P.C. can work with you at the early stages of the product development process to identify third party patents which your new product may be at risk of infringing. If no such patents exist, we can provide you with a comprehensive freedom-to-operate (or right-to-practice) opinion that will afford you the assurance you need to continue with the product development process and, ultimately, the introduction of the new product into the marketplace. On the other hand, if one or more patents exist which the new product may potentially infringe, we can work with your engineers to design around the patents and thereby eliminate the risk of patent infringement.
Infringement and Validity Opinions
Despite a company's best efforts to identify and avoid third party patents, it may nevertheless find itself one day being accused of patent infringement. In such a situation, Henry Query, P.C. can conduct a thorough analysis of the patent and, if warranted, provide you with a clear, comprehensive non-infringement opinion. Although such an opinion will not shield you from being sued for patent infringement, it can give you the assurance you need to continue selling the allegedly infringing product, and it can also provide you with a basis for negotiating a favorable resolution to the dispute.
However, if a non-infringement opinion is not justified, Henry Query, P.C. can undertake a detailed investigation of the validity of the patent and, if appropriate, provide you with a comprehensive invalidity opinion. Once again, although an invalidity opinion will not forestall a patent infringement action, it can give you the assurance you need to continue selling your product and provide you with a basis for negotiating a favorable resolution to the dispute.