U.S. & Foreign Trademarks
Henry Query, P.C. has a significant trademark practice and can work with you to protect your brands both in the U.S. and overseas. Having been involved with several trademark litigation matters over the years, Henry Query has developed a keen understanding of whether a client's proposed brand will conflict with an existing trademark. Hence, prior to adopting a new brand, we can conduct a trademark clearance search and provide you with a realistic assessment of whether that brand is available for use.
Comprehensive U.S. and Foreign Trademark Services
Henry Query has over 25 years of experience in intellectual property law, including the filing and prosecution of U.S. trademark applications in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He also has experience with trademark cancellation and opposition proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
In many countries, the first person to file a trademark application will receive the trademark registration and its concomitant benefits. This can pose a problem for companies trying to expand their existing brands into new countries. Thus, it is important to proactively register your company's trademarks in all the countries in which your company expects to operate.
Through its extensive network of trusted foreign associates, Henry Query, P.C. can register your company's trademarks in virtually any country in the world that has a functioning trademark system. We are also experienced with the Madrid System for the international registration of trademarks and can pursue this option on your behalf if registration in multiple countries is desired.